Monday, April 30, 2012

The decline of Freedom.

Freedom.  Perhaps our most precious commodity  We cannot eat or touch freedom.  We cannot see freedom, but we can see its abuses.  Many of our ancestors, both past and recent, have died to preserve an invisible concept.  We teach poetry in our public school system, gymnastics and occasionally sex ed.  There are no classes in Freedom.  Its a privilege we take for granted all too often.
Students in Mississippi and Kent State died defending this concept.  North American and European soldiers died (again) defending this concept on foreign soil.  Most civilized countries have a constitution that defends and preserves freedom. 
Freedom is always under attack, ever from those who defend it.  North American governments, religious groups and even soldiers of the environment fight to erode freedom almost daily.
Ban bottled water.  Raise (lower) the speed limit.  Criminalize abortion.  Criminalize marijuana.  Tax private property.  Censorship by the moral majority (music, art, film).  Tap into our private communications.  Restrict the sale of liquor and cigarettes.  Freedom. 
The death of freedom will be slow and incremental, but its coming.  China today will be as a paradise compared to the North America of tomorrow. 
Why is Freedom not taught as a subject in public schools?  This is no accidental omission.